Friday, July 24, 2009

blackberry jelly

My first attempt at homemade jelly was a success, kind of...

My grandparents have a huge garden and have always put out a garden as long as I can remember. I picked strawberries and green beans with them as a young kid. It is such a treat to enjoy their produce all year...never realized just how much hard work it is...and they are still doing it at 70+ yrs. old ~ that is amazing to me! I work in the yard/garden for a day and can hardly move my body for 24hrs. at 28yrs. old!!!

I enjoyed picking blackberries with my Grandparents and Mom a few weeks ago. They were huge, beautiful and easily plucked off the bush...and I love tedious work like that ~ could have stayed out there for hours picking. Just this year I've become very interested in the whole process and planted my first tiny garden: tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, and herbs: lavender, sage, and basil.

I decided to use the blackberries from my Grandparents garden for jelly. It was a very messy job as you can see below ~ looked like someone had been murdered in my kitchen that night! Actually, any kitchen project for me is messy so I guess that was normal. Oh, and I was wearing white, that was a mistake.

I boiled with sure gel and reused glass jars to store in. The jelly didn't set up firm enough so, Grandma suggested me putting the jelly back on to boil longer so, that did the trick...ended up taking longer than it should have but, I'm enjoying my first jar of homemade jelly ~ especially with peanut butter :)

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